“Islam began as something strange, and will revert to being strange as it began, so blessed are the strangers.” Humanity today is perched on the edge of an abyss. Other ...

“Islam began as something strange, and will revert to being strange as it began, so blessed are the strangers.” Humanity today is perched on the edge of an abyss. Other ...
"When we speak about the first chapter of the Milestones, “The Unique Quranic Generation”, we receive the inspiration from the words and expressions, as we are accustomed to move with ...
"During the entire thirteen-year period in Mecca, the Quran persistently focused on the issue of faith. It spent that time raising the Muslim group to become the solid core that ...
Jahilliya was never a specific period of time that happened in the past and ended; Jahilliya rather is a state of affairs that societies fall into whenever they refuse guidance ...
“There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the Religion…” Indeed, Allah (swt) ordained that “there shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the Religion…,” however this does not mean ...
The testimony “there is no deity but Allah” is neither a mere testimony uttered by the tongue nor a mere belief that settles in the heart. Indeed, the testimony “there ...
Islam is the Religion of the universe, because Islam means obedience and submission to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. The universe as a whole submits to Allah. Therefore, the ...
Only Islam can free humanity from worshipping anything other than Allah (swt), and thereby establish civilization. Islam cultivates the traits which distinguish humans from the rest of Allah’s creation. Islam ...
In this chapter, the Shuruh speaks in greater depth about the concept of culture and its connection with the Islamic belief. It begins by defining the meaning of culture as ...
The flag that a Muslim should be proud of is not the flag of a certain nation, nor is their association with others based on blood relations. Indeed, Islam has ...
Jahiliyya is Jahiliyya: a diversion from the worship to Allah (swt) alone and from the way of life decreed by Allah. Jahiliyya is the reception of commands, regulations, laws, traditions, ...
The superiority of faith is the primary source of the believer's sense of his association to Allah Almighty. As this feeling of superiority rises, it makes the believer feel that ...